Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Great Debate: Electronic vs. Dead Tree Books

Which are better - eBooks or print ones?

The rest of this commentary article is now available only on my new blog here!

Comments Welcome!

1 comment:

  1. When you write about the specialness of holding a paper-based book, you're right. For me, it's very situational. I adore the ease of slipping a thin device into my bag and having it ready with a large collection of things to read ... including technical texts and user manuals.

    But take-off and landing on a plane means I can't have access to my books, and one tires of the in-flight magazines and SkyMall catalogues. So a paperback is excellent for that.

    And ... the scent of ink on paper. The binding and glue. The beauty of an aged text and that wonderful scent they take on. The heft. The feel of the paper. Simply looking at a well-ordered arrangement of books on a wall filled with bookshelves fills me with satisfaction.

    I'm with you; I love having my (in this case) Kindle™. But nothing will make me want to leave my books behind.


Got anything to say about this? Go on, tell me!